Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life Goes On

Dear Angelina, GabiLee and others,
Although the lesson I am about to tell you is a general lesson and isn't very specific, it is one that I think about every single day and that is that LIFE GOES ON.
Throughout life things will happen. Things that we planned for and things that popped up out of no where. These things can change your lifes path or it could keep it the same. But no matter what direction it sends you life continues to go on.
Some days in life will be good, some will be bad, some will make you want to curl up in a corner and cry until a miracle happens. But no matter what type of day it was there will always be a better one and there will always be people who love and care for you and are willing to be by your side. (And for you Angelina and GabiLee, that can be me! I will always be here for you no matter where life takes us.) If you have more than one bad day in a row just remember that once you've hit the bottom the only direction you can go is up.
Two sayings that have helped me get through my rough days are:
- Keep your head held high and your middle finger higher.
- Keep your chin up Princess, you don't want your tiara to fall.
Although these probably aren't the best sayings in the world they have made me laugh as well as brought a smile to my face.
No matter what type of day you have or what events have happened in your life, always remember that for every bad day there are two good ones waiting to happen.
In three words I can sum up the biggest lesson in life: IT GOES ON.
Stay positive!
With love,
Tia Bear <3
Side note: My nieces call me Tia Bear and since this is directed towards them that is how I am going to start signing each entry.

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