Saturday, January 4, 2014

Why I'm doing this.

Dear readers,
My name is McKenna and I am a senior in high school. My life has been anything but normal. At the age of 13, I became an aunt to my first niece named Angelina Sophie. Three years later I became an aunt to my second niece named Lynn GabiLee. Throughout the past five years the girls and their parents have lived with us, lived away from us in the same state and in differnet states. But recently in the past year my parents have gained full power of attorney over both of the girls and they have moved in with us. Since then these girls have become my world. They always know how to make a bad day good again. They are a huge part of my life and I want to always be a huge part of theirs. That is why I am making this blog. It is called Letters to Angelina and GabiLee because this is where I am going to write to them, and whoever else feels like reading, life lessons that I have learned throughout the years as well as general things that I think they should know growing up. Although this is in hope of helping and guiding the girls as they grow, I hope it also helps others who take the time to read this.
Sometimes my entries may be a little personal and sometimes they may be vague but I will always make sure to get my message out clearly. Most of the time the intended lesson will be the name of the entry but I might spice it up every once and a while just for the fun of it. Another thing about this blog is that if there is some reason to bash or complain about someone I will be changing their name so that in case that person is well known no one will know it is really about them. This is for my safety and so I don't get in trouble by my parents or anyone else.
I probably wont write and entry every day but I will try to write one at least every other day and if not at least once a week. I feel that it might be easier to write life lessons once I get to college and experiance the real world but I will do my best for as many as I can until then. Sometimes the entries might be really long and sometimes they might be really short. It all depends on my mood that day as well as what the lesson is. But enough about the blog, I will tell you all a little bit more about me and why I think I am fit to write this blog.
In middle school I had my first serious relationship that lasted for a year and eight months; I will go into more detail in one of my later blogs because I learned some lessons from it. My freshman and sophomore year in high school I had an eating disorder and so did one of my best friends Michaela. Along with the eating disorder my sophomore year, I also had a cousin who was 18 days older than me named Hunter commit suicide the night before I left on my first overseas mission trip. This event was a major life changer for me because it opened my eyes to things I tuned out. At the end of my sophomore year I started dating a dude named Nic with whom I am still dating. We have been through almost everything together in the past year and a half but more details will come with him in multiple entries later on. Not only have these events made an impact on my life as well as many others that will come later but so have the activities and clubs that I am a part of. At my high school I have been on the yearbook staff ever since my second semester of my freshman year. This year I got the honor be the Editor in Chief but I wouldn't be where I am without the help and support of the rest of the Vision staff. I also take part in a club called REbeL which focuses on going against the norms of society of what "beautiful" is. We believe that everyone is beautiful no matter what shape, size, hight etc. that they are. Another activity that I participate in is Relay for Life which is fundraiser that happens once a year that raises money to help cancer research. This is huge in my life becasue my sister Maycee along with many other friends and family have had cancer and I have seen the impact of it and want to help find the cure. In the past years I have been on the Winter Guard team which is like the dance team but we toss flags, sabres and other items in the air. I am also a dancer and used to play soccer until a knee injury occured.
There is a lot more that I could tell you about me but I think this is enough to start with. You will learn a lot more throughout the entries.
I am so excited to start writing entires and I hope that what I write can be related to all readers.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
With love,
McKenna <3

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