Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Whole New World

Angelina and Gabi ...
I know I said this in my last post but I am sorry that I haven't posted in literally forever. Life has been super crazy around the house and I just haven't found time to sit town and write. But without going in to detail about what all has happened I am going to write about two things that I have fallen in love with - one that you two have as well - and why I think they are important to you.
The first one is the Disney movie Frozen. I love this movie. Not only because it is Disney or the music but because of the message it portrays. It is the first disney movie that doesn't make the princess depend upon a boy. This movie solely has Ana and Elsa depend on true love. Yes, you can have true love from a boy but that's not how this movie goes. Ana and Elsa use the true love for each other as sisters to make everything go good again. And with that being said, I want you and Gabi to always love each other unconditionally. I know there will be times when you two will hate each other and might not be able to stand being in the same room .... but forgive and move on. Friends will come and go (same with boys) but family is forever. You two remind me so much of Elsa and Ana. Angelina- although you are only five right now you like to hold things in and not share them in fear of disappointing other: much like Elsa. And Gabi, you are wild and untamed similar to that of Ana. That is why I think this movie is perfect for the two of you because you are so much like the characters. Just by watching you two, I know you two will be the best of friends when you are older. You two have not had the perfect life just within your short years on earth so far. But no matter where life takes you in the future know that you two will always have each other. I mean ... you will always have me too but sisters have an unbreakable bond. Keep it and utilize it. It will be the best thing to posses one day.
The next thing is the book "The Fault In Our Stars" written by John Green. I am not one to read but I read this book from cover to cover in less than four days. It is probably the best book I have ever written. The messages and lessons within this book will take a person far. You two HAVE to read and when you do let me know and we can talk about it. If you read my copy I have highlighted messages that I think every needs to know and remember.  The storyline in the book is amazing. At first you will be neutral, then you will be happy, then you will fall in love with the romance and then you go to crying. Yes, I did cry throughout the book. And after you read it watch the movie. Words cannot explain how much I love this book. After reading it my eyes have been truly opened. It is simply amazing. A couple of my favorite lines within the book are "There is no try, only do",  "The fault is not in our stars but in ourselves", "In the darkest days the LORD puts the best people into your life" and last but not least "I'm on a roller coaster that only goes up." I love these lines because they speak true to every person no matter what situation they are in. Make the best of your life. The only regrets you will ever have are the ones you don't take. The book is a tear-jerker but one that is well worth it. If you don't listen to anything else I have to say, at least read this book and remember what it has to say.
You girls are amazing and I know you two will go far. Just remember to keep your head up and take chances. Make memories because they are the only things that don't go away when the rest of the world does.
I love you to the moon and back!
Tia Bear

Sunday, February 9, 2014

High Hopes

Dear Angelina, GabiLee and other readers,
Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I have been super busy and also had to have emergency surgery.
This post is about not getting your hopes up. I have experienced first hand getting my hopes up and then watching them go down in flames and let me tell you ... it sucks! It is one of the worst feelings in the world. Getting your hopes up is a natural reaction but if you can realize it is happening try and stop it or at least lower your hopes.
Now I am not telling you two to never have hopes for something. I am telling you to be careful on what you have high hopes for. For example, there is one person in my life who I can rarely have high hopes for with certain outcomes because what I want and what his personality is just dont match. Although I have been surprised by him, I can't always expect what I want. If that makes any sense at all ...
I know this post is super short but I don't know how else to expalin it without getting too personal. If you two want me to get personal and explain further what I mean then come ask me, you know where to find me. ;)
Moral of this post, have hopes but keep them resonable.
Live you life Lina Bug and Baby Bear <3
Love you to the moon and back,
Tia Bear

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Live rather than exist.

Dear Angelina, GabiLee and everyone else,
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." – Oscar Wild
Looking back at my life I can say that I have only existed and haven't lived. I can say this because to live means to take every opportunity given to you as well as make a true impact on the world and those surrounding you. Although I believe that I have made an impact on some, I don't believe it was enough to consider myself living. I also have missed out on plenty of opportunities in the past that have taken away the living aspect of my life for now. However, recently I have gotten better at taking those opportunites because I would rather have a life of "Oh wells" than a life of "What if's."
To me, I think that everyone should make their goal in life to live rather than to exist. Serve the people around you, even if it is the smallest gesture. Sometimes it's the small things that make the biggest difference.
Take the risk of trying new things; food, activities, people ... Now I am not telling you, Angelina and Gabi, to go jump off a building or take the next plane to Africa to serve those in need over there but I am telling you to go out of your bubble and experience new things. For example, I am deathly afraid of heights but when I went to Las Vegas, I went up the Stratosphere and did Big Shot which takes you over 1,100 feet in the air. This was living because I would have never done that if it wasn't for Nic. But I am glad I did it because now I can say I have conqured my fears. I went out of what I was comfortable with and ended up enjoying it. I also climbed a mountain which I never dreamed of doing.
Be safe and have fun but make sure to live rather than exist because one day when you have grandchildren you will be thinking back on your life thinking "What if." So live you life and have "Oh wells" rather than "What ifs."
Live for the now,
Tia Bear <3

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Life Goes On

Dear Angelina, GabiLee and others,
Although the lesson I am about to tell you is a general lesson and isn't very specific, it is one that I think about every single day and that is that LIFE GOES ON.
Throughout life things will happen. Things that we planned for and things that popped up out of no where. These things can change your lifes path or it could keep it the same. But no matter what direction it sends you life continues to go on.
Some days in life will be good, some will be bad, some will make you want to curl up in a corner and cry until a miracle happens. But no matter what type of day it was there will always be a better one and there will always be people who love and care for you and are willing to be by your side. (And for you Angelina and GabiLee, that can be me! I will always be here for you no matter where life takes us.) If you have more than one bad day in a row just remember that once you've hit the bottom the only direction you can go is up.
Two sayings that have helped me get through my rough days are:
- Keep your head held high and your middle finger higher.
- Keep your chin up Princess, you don't want your tiara to fall.
Although these probably aren't the best sayings in the world they have made me laugh as well as brought a smile to my face.
No matter what type of day you have or what events have happened in your life, always remember that for every bad day there are two good ones waiting to happen.
In three words I can sum up the biggest lesson in life: IT GOES ON.
Stay positive!
With love,
Tia Bear <3
Side note: My nieces call me Tia Bear and since this is directed towards them that is how I am going to start signing each entry.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Why I'm doing this.

Dear readers,
My name is McKenna and I am a senior in high school. My life has been anything but normal. At the age of 13, I became an aunt to my first niece named Angelina Sophie. Three years later I became an aunt to my second niece named Lynn GabiLee. Throughout the past five years the girls and their parents have lived with us, lived away from us in the same state and in differnet states. But recently in the past year my parents have gained full power of attorney over both of the girls and they have moved in with us. Since then these girls have become my world. They always know how to make a bad day good again. They are a huge part of my life and I want to always be a huge part of theirs. That is why I am making this blog. It is called Letters to Angelina and GabiLee because this is where I am going to write to them, and whoever else feels like reading, life lessons that I have learned throughout the years as well as general things that I think they should know growing up. Although this is in hope of helping and guiding the girls as they grow, I hope it also helps others who take the time to read this.
Sometimes my entries may be a little personal and sometimes they may be vague but I will always make sure to get my message out clearly. Most of the time the intended lesson will be the name of the entry but I might spice it up every once and a while just for the fun of it. Another thing about this blog is that if there is some reason to bash or complain about someone I will be changing their name so that in case that person is well known no one will know it is really about them. This is for my safety and so I don't get in trouble by my parents or anyone else.
I probably wont write and entry every day but I will try to write one at least every other day and if not at least once a week. I feel that it might be easier to write life lessons once I get to college and experiance the real world but I will do my best for as many as I can until then. Sometimes the entries might be really long and sometimes they might be really short. It all depends on my mood that day as well as what the lesson is. But enough about the blog, I will tell you all a little bit more about me and why I think I am fit to write this blog.
In middle school I had my first serious relationship that lasted for a year and eight months; I will go into more detail in one of my later blogs because I learned some lessons from it. My freshman and sophomore year in high school I had an eating disorder and so did one of my best friends Michaela. Along with the eating disorder my sophomore year, I also had a cousin who was 18 days older than me named Hunter commit suicide the night before I left on my first overseas mission trip. This event was a major life changer for me because it opened my eyes to things I tuned out. At the end of my sophomore year I started dating a dude named Nic with whom I am still dating. We have been through almost everything together in the past year and a half but more details will come with him in multiple entries later on. Not only have these events made an impact on my life as well as many others that will come later but so have the activities and clubs that I am a part of. At my high school I have been on the yearbook staff ever since my second semester of my freshman year. This year I got the honor be the Editor in Chief but I wouldn't be where I am without the help and support of the rest of the Vision staff. I also take part in a club called REbeL which focuses on going against the norms of society of what "beautiful" is. We believe that everyone is beautiful no matter what shape, size, hight etc. that they are. Another activity that I participate in is Relay for Life which is fundraiser that happens once a year that raises money to help cancer research. This is huge in my life becasue my sister Maycee along with many other friends and family have had cancer and I have seen the impact of it and want to help find the cure. In the past years I have been on the Winter Guard team which is like the dance team but we toss flags, sabres and other items in the air. I am also a dancer and used to play soccer until a knee injury occured.
There is a lot more that I could tell you about me but I think this is enough to start with. You will learn a lot more throughout the entries.
I am so excited to start writing entires and I hope that what I write can be related to all readers.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
With love,
McKenna <3